We have answers to your questions here. Does AAU Ekpoma accept awaiting result? Do I stand to gain admission if I apply at Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma with awaiting result? what’s the probability of getting admitted into Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma with awaiting result?
These are some of the questions out of the many others most SSCE students who just registered for JAMB and awaiting WAEC and NECO results.
They want to know their fate of getting admitted into Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma while waiting for their NECO or WAEC results without knowing if their results will be released before the Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma Post UTME screening exercise commence.
We have taken time to answer this question in this article to help you take the right decision while waiting for your results. Continue reading to see the answer to your question.
Does AAU Ekpoma Accept Awaiting Result for Admission?
All aspiring students of Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma who wished to know if AAU Ekpoma accepts awaiting results for her admissions are advised to stay connected with this post as the answer to their question have be provided in this article.
This article provides you with all the necessary information you need regarding whether the Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma accepts candidates with awaiting results.
Don’t hesitate to ask any question for more clarification, just leave a comment in the comment box our support team will attend to you.
Does AAU Ekpoma Accept Awaiting Result?
In a bit to answer your question, let’s get to know what awaiting result is.
You might be wondering what awaiting result is all about. Awaiting result means that your NECO or WAEC results are currently unavailable or yet to be released at the time of your application for admission into the Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma. So you leave the space empty when filling the Post UTME form.
Here is the answer to your question
Does AAU Ekpoma accepts awaiting result for admission? The answer is Yes. AAU Ekpoma accept awaiting results. The Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma allows candidates with awaiting results to apply for the Post UTME screening exercise and also offer them admission.
If you wish to become a student in AAU Ekpoma but still await you NECO or WAEC result, you can go ahead and apply but we advise you to upload the results on the school portal once it is released before the school releases the admission list for the academic session.
Though people with their results at hand stand a better chance than you, but if you are yet to see your NECO or WAEC result, you can still apply for admission rather than waste one year at home.
Once your WAEC or NECO result is out, quickly upload your result on the school/JAMB portal for your profile to be updated once it is released and you will be considered for admission.
We pray and wish you gain admission this year, best of lucks.
Does AAU Ekpoma accept awaiting result? If you’re not still clear on that and have any question regarding this post, please leave a comment in the comment box.
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